

Ride in a hot air Balloon in Teotihuacan, is an experience you will always remember. We make every flight is an unforgettable experience where our customers enjoy every moment of the service, thanks to the commitment that there are in the team work of Von navi.

¡Ven a volar en globo aerostático con nosotros! Disfruta de las impresionantes vistas desde el aire mientras te desplazas suavemente por el cielo. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para disfrutar de un momento inolvidable con tu familia o amigos y conocer tu ciudad desde una perspectiva completamente nueva.

Teotihuacán bike is born with the idea of promoting the tourism of Adventure, Cultural and Eco-Archaeological area of the Valley of Teotihuacan, being an Adventure tour company currently operates only in the State of Mexico.

De Hoteles a Historias: Vive el Destino
