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Teotihuacan, located in the Valley of Mexico, her name, which means “City of the Gods” in nahuatl, reflects its religious and cultural significance. Founded around 100.C., it reached its peak between the centuries I and VII d.C. becoming one of the largest cities in the world in their time.

It was a center economic, political, and religiousfamous for its impressive architectural structures and his advanced knowledge in urban planning. His legacy endures as a world Heritage site. recognized by UNESCO in 1987.

These are the points

Major tourist

Traditions or holidays

Equinoxes of Spring and Autumn

During these days, thousands of people gather in Teotihuacan to receive the energy from the sun.

Equinoxes of Spring and Autumn

During these days, thousands of people gather in Teotihuacan to receive the energy from the sun.

Equinoxes of Spring and Autumn

During these days, thousands of people gather in Teotihuacan to receive the energy from the sun.

